A Practical Guide for K-12 Classrooms Connecting with the Natural World


The WISR Framework is designed so that a continuum of action toward a regenerative world may emerge. The letters “WISR'' stand for Wonder, Intra-action, Sustainability, and Regeneration. WISR is not meant to be a prescriptive model, rather it is an invitation to take learning deeper through embodied and connected experiences in and with the natural world. A call to think and act to heal the planet, through the ripples that local engagement initiates. It is a framework that reminds us of our kinship to more than human life and encourages us to express our oneness and harmony with the natural world.


Natural gifts

The WISR framework knows no beginning and no end. It is circular because it is self-realizing. Wonder emerges into Intra-action in the same ways that Regeneration creates the conditions for Wonder to unfold.

We are not beings, we are becomings. We are not nouns, we are verbs. We are not static, we are processes.
— Dr Benjamin Freud, Ph.D, Coconut Thinking


By allowing oneself to be fully present, wonder allows thoughts and feelings to flow without intention, responding to the dynamic interplay between self, others and the natural world.


Learning is empathy with the natural world as a result of immersion, reciprocal communication and action. Through direct, first-hand experiences, we activate our senses, which opens up possibilities for questioning, reasoning and logic.


Learners don’t question, it’s not an out of the ordinary event. They come ready and feel courageous. Everyone takes care of each other and their surroundings.


More than acting to keep the natural world intact, we see ourselves as part of the natural world and we accept what the earth gives us as a gift, remembering to gift back.

Additional Resources

Featured Projects from the WISR CREATORS

Coconut Thinking creates learning experiences that emerge from one ethical question: how do our actions contribute to the thriving of the bio-collective? We define the bio-collective as any living thing, sentient or plant, that has an interest in the healthfulness of the planet. In our view, learning is not an end in itself.

The Learning Future is a strategy and professional learning organisation that works globally to support educators, schools, leaders, and organisations to thrive in our constantly changing world. Our work seeks to transform learning environments, systems, and structures so that we better empower individuals to develop the key human capabilities that matter most for our learning future.

The Learning Future Podcast focuses on the emerging science, art and craft of learning for tomorrow’s world. He discusses the knowledge, skills and dispositions we all need for our learning future, exploring insights through interviews with world-class educators, researchers, policy makers, and leaders from across industries and across the world.

The Future City Podcast, Louka and his co-host Eyal Halamish, speak with extraordinary people you normally wouldn’t hear from about the future of cities. From cocktail artists to urban planners, green thumbs to financial analysts, we share stories about how these creative thinkers and doers are shaping the cities you live in.